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Finance your studies
join Habacus!

Join a community with +40,000 students who have funded their post-diploma studies
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Support the costs of post-diploma education with
the student loan

The perfect ally for studies:


You are 100% independent

No need for guarantees from parents or a paycheck


Competitive interest rates

Compared to a standard loan


Deferred repayment

Start repaying up to 24 months after the end of studies


Guided access

Habacus will guide you in preparing the necessary documents

Still have doubts?

Habacus srl - Registered Office: Via Filippo Sassetti, 32, 20124 Milan (MI), Italy

C.F. and registration number with the Register of Companies of Milan Monza Brianza Lodi 04906910262

Habacus srl © 2024